Healing cancer with cannabis. We are here to support you through your recovery process by providing the highest quality Rick Simpson Oil available.

Terminal Brain Cancer Patient Gets Rid of the Tumor Using Cannabis Oil - RSO Cancer Free-3

Sherry Ann Baker is convinced that a form of cannabis oil called Rick Simpson Oil(RSO) has shrunk the remaining part of a golf-ball-sized tumor in her brain. Her last MRI says that the tumor was completely cleared and her most recent medical report even used words like unremarkable. 



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Cancerfree Rso




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The relationship between cannabis and brain cancer is especially strong. Cannabinoids are known to cross the blood-brain barrier and have been shown to kill numerous types of brain cancer cells. Their high barrier permeability and strong apoptosis-inducing effects make cannabinoids very promising candidates for the treatment of many brain cancers.

Rick Simpson Oil (RSO) is unique and exclusive in that it comprises higher levels and doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than other medical cannabis extracts.

Even though there is little evidence to support the use of cannabis for assisting and treating cancer treatment, the medical community, researchers and doctors require more direct evidence of its security, safety, and usefulness in humans before making any firm claims or decisions. 

Scientists are still researching and looking for potential uses and benefits for cannabis products in treating cancer in human beings.

How to use Rick Simpson Oil Safely?

Sublingually: It’s the fastest form of absorption. You put a drop under the tongue and hold it for a minute or two. 

It usually takes the average person about 90 days to ingest the full 60 gram or 60 ml oil treatment. I suggest that people start with three doses per day, about the size of a half a grain of short grained dry rice. The patient should take this dosage every 8 hours, early in the morning, then again in the afternoon and then they should take their final dose of the day, about an hour before bedtime. It should also be noted that as a patient begins to ingest RSO oil, the patient does not normally feel the oil's effects until about an hour after they have taken their dosage, so please be aware of this fact. A beginner’s dose such as I am describing would equal about ¼ of a drop.

After four days at this dosage which should be taken three times a day, most people are then able to increase their doses by doubling the amount of their dosage every four days. By following this simple procedure, many patients have reported that they felt that they had not experienced the high, which this oil can cause. But in truth no two of us are the same and we all have different tolerances, so some will be able to up their dosages more quickly than others. In reality, even if one does become what is commonly referred to as being high this will not harm them in any way, if the oil they are ingesting was produced from the sedative strains of Indica, which I recommend and the resulting oil was produced in the proper way.

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