Benefits of Rick Simpson Oil
Rick Simpson Oil has been tested for 15+ years by more than 6,000 patients. These patients included patients of all kinds of dreaded diseases like: leukemia, diabetes, epilepsy, melanomas, tumors, chronic pain, bacterial or viral infections, warts and a wide variety of cancers.The harmless non-addictive natural medication(RSO)has been used to treat the following conditions:
● Treatment of skin cancer, brain cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.
● Controls and prevents epileptic seizures
● Insomnia, also improves the quality and longevity of sleep
● Delays Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases
● Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s
● Improves and strengthens cardiovascular health
● Relieves anxiety and stress
● Relieves chronic pain
● Control epileptic seizures
● Relieves pain from Multiple Sclerosis
● Relieves arthritis, etc.