Cannabis is Curing My Cancer and Now I Want It Legalized - RSO Cancer Free
Joy Smith was diagnosed in July 2016 with ovarian cancer. In August 2017 she was given six weeks to live after it was discovered that the cancer has spread to her stomach and bowel. But now she's in remission and claims cannabis oil cured her terminal disease. Research Consultant Matthew Atha explains why the research into cannabis oil has been so limited.
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About RSO(What is RSO?)
1. Rick Simpson Oil(RSO) is a high potency and strong cannabis extract with high THC levels and other minor cannabinoids.
2. RSO oil is used for cancer treatment and numerous other diseases such as Inflammation, Arthritis, Insomnia, Fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, Severe Depression, Pain, Seizures, and much more.
3. We ensure that all of our products are lab-tested to maintain quality and safety standards.
What diseases can Rick Simpson oil treat?
Rick Simpson Oil has been tested for 15+ years by more than 6,000 patients. These patients included patients of all kinds of dreaded diseases like: leukemia, diabetes, epilepsy, melanomas, tumors, chronic pain, bacterial or viral infections, warts and a wide variety of cancers.The harmless non-addictive natural medication(RSO)has been used to treat the following conditions:
· Treatment of breast cancer, skin cancer, brain cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, etc.
· Controls and prevents epileptic seizures
· Insomnia, also improves the quality and longevity of sleep
· Very effective against glaucoma
· Improves appetite
· Delays Alzheimer’s and other degenerative diseases
· Treatment of inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s
· Improves and strengthens cardiovascular health
· Relieves anxiety and stress
· Relieves chronic pain
· Control epileptic seizures
· Improves cardiovascular health
· Relieves pain from Multiple Sclerosis
· Relieves arthritis, etc.