The term RSO, or “RICK SIMPSON OIL”, refers to an extremely potent(around 90% THC) decarboxylated extract produced from the cannabis plant.
RSO has Zero detrimental side effects, is essentially harmless, is all natural, and is non-addictive.
RSO, also known as PHOENIX TEARS, was developed by RICK SIMPSON to treat his skin cancer as an alternative to surgery or chemotherapy.
Can't you install a group of rso oil for pancreatic cancer for ordinary 48 V electric bicycles? You can recharge in the unit,No more batteries.The lithium battery you choose.Same voltage. Due to the different economic levels,The policies that major dealers get are different,The promotion policies designated by dealers are also different,So the price is difficult to unify,It's hard to publicize.RSOCANCERFREE is an innovative company focused on plant (e.g. industrial hemp/cannabis) molecular breeding,natural metabolite biosynthesis and plant bioactive components application. To choose from the color and brightness of the material is good, three, buy not rust material, such as stainless steel, aluminum, copper do not buy electric plating decorative chandelier.Don't buy chandeliers decorated with electric plating.RSOCANCERFREE is an innovative company focused on plant (e.g. industrial hemp/cannabis) molecular breeding,natural metabolite biosynthesis and plant bioactive components application.The overall design quality of RSO Cancer Free is achieved using different software and tools. They include ThinkDesign, CAD, 3DMAX, and Photoshop which are being widely adopted in furniture designing.
Rick Simpson oil (RSO) is unique and exclusive in that it comprises higher levels and doses of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) than other medical cannabis extracts.
Many researches have demonstrated Rick Simpson Oil health benefits as a substitute or an assist for prescription drugs.
We provide clean, safe, lab-tested cannabis — every time, no excuses.
Which cannabis strain is best for making effective Rick Simpson Oil?
Cannabis Indica is the recommended cannabis strain used for producing RSO. It’s the favored option for obvious reasons, such as its high TCH levels and its calming effects.
How to use Rick Simpson Oil Safely?
RSO sale is generally not for smoking. It is consumed in the following ways:Sublingually: It’s the fastest form of absorption. You put a drop under the tongue and hold it for a minute or two.Topically: It’s the best way to use Rick Simpson’s oil to treat skin diseases, the affected area is rubbed so that it is absorbedIngested: Some people dose the RSO into capsules that are then swallowed. This way it takes an hour or more to take effectVaporized: Usually diluted in terpenes to use this way of consuming Rick Simpson’s medicinal oilSmoking: There are people who spread it on paper, but it is not very advisable. If you want to smoke it, it’s better to do it with a dab and at a low temperatureAnally: It’s a less widespread way, but there are also those who use it for stomach problems
Which is the most effective method?
Above ways of using RSO are all effective and simple to use. The sublingual method which is taken as drops has the most rapid absorption rate, so the effects that you are so longingly desiring would be experienced in a much quicker manner.The capsules which are taken in an oral form take longer to take effect but the effects of it lasts longer than usually expected. The greatest method for you depends on your unique needs and medical conditions.
Rick Simpson's Protocol
The way to get the best results that you can from RSO, cannabis oil, is to follow Rick Simpson’s Protocol. Your goal is to ingest 60 grams/60 ml of oil in 90 days. You will need to start slow, and build up your tolerance!
Oral Dosage
Doses are normally done in different week segments and on a schedule, where week one would comprise of three doses per day of about a quarter of a drop of RSO, in weeks two to five the required dosage would double each time until you reach the maximum one gram per day, and in week five to 12 consume one gram each day until you reach the full amount of 60 grams over the 90 days period.
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